Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Project Dreadnought pt3.

Part Three....

Hi Guy's here's some further progress reguarding my Dreadnought project, Im rather happy with how things are going so far anyhow on with the post.

I've added some detail here, I've rusted up the plate mail armour and think the brown rust colour compliments the yellow and black of the Scythes very well.

The Red Shield with the number one indicates Rank and the Scythes last remaining company "Battle Company".

The paints used for the rust are.. Rhinox Hide basecoat then Mournfang Brown, Troll Slayer Orange and Leadbelcher with an Earthshade wash.
Here's a pic of the legs and base glued together.

"How to paint Martian bases" can be found by following the link at the bottom of this post.

The colour used for the base coat on the damaged Rhino door is Balor Brown and I weathered it the same way as the Dreadnought leg plates but using earthshade as the wash.
 Rear view of legs and base.

The little sun bleached grass tufts were made using an old fashioned shavers brush, I just cut 1cm clumps off and stuck them on with PVA.
Really like how this turned out, the shield was painted the same way as the leg plates.

The bone claws were really easy to paint, after been sprayed white I washed them three times with Seraphim Sepia letting them dry each time upside down so that the ink flowed away from the point, leaving the point slightly lighter.

I then just edge highlighted them using Ushabti Bone........simple!!
Here's the Beast all stuck together all be it "armless", Im really happy with it so far but there's more to do before this projects finished, hope you like it guys.

How to paint Martian Bases link.

Project Dreadnought pt2.

Part Two....

Hi Guys well here's part two of this little thing Im doing right now, I'll be slapping some paint on in this part so lets get on with the fun.

I started the legs by spraying them with GW's Black spray paint, I then drybrushed the legs  with Leadbelcher, once dry I gave them a wash using a 50/50 mix of Nuln Oil and Earthshade I think this gives a slightly dirty worn look to the metal, I then once again drybrushed with Leadbelcher and on the extream edges with Runefang steel.

When dry I washed the pneumatic ankle system and cable tubes with Earthshade.
To get my base coat down Im using Army Painters Daemonic Yellow right now, BE WARNED I've found this product can be very temperamental.

Once dry I washed the leg plates twice with Serapihim Sepia making sure not to leave any tide marks, I then drybrushed with Yriel Yellow and Flash Gitz Yellow with a final edge highlight of the Flash Gitz.
Then using 3M's Ultra Fine (grey) Scotchbrite I worked Rhinox Hide around the edges and up the leg plate as I saw fit.
I then did the same using Leadbelcher.

I find the Scotchbrite to be a better product than sponge for this technique.
 Before I applied the Scythes Transfer I gave the area a coat of ardcoat, this helps to make the Transfer stick better and also hides the unsightly marks around the edges of the Transfer.

I then coated the area with Lahmian Medium to matt the finish back down.

Legs done, note the areas where I've used blu tac on the model, plastic to plastic contact when glueing!.

Project Dreadnought pt1.

Part One.......

Hi Guys Its been a while since I painted or modelled anything Scythes related so I thought I'd come back with a little diorama type project that will incorporate a small squad of Assault Marines and a Dreadnought, the Dreadnought being the focal point of the project.

While modelling this Dreadnought I was thinking of making it Venerable for normal 40k play but also for fun as a Character making up my own rules for it, more on that later.

 I used the flat side of a Yogurt pot for the small squares, this was ideal material as the plastic was really thin so with a metal rule and modelling knife I cut it into similar sized small squares and stuck them on working from the bottom upwards making sure is wasn't too uniform but also not too haphazard.
Also I carefully cut off the three raised rectangle shapes on the right panel and covered the sights at the top of that panel with green stuff ready for more squares to be added.

This is the completed torso of the Dreadnought I've used various pieces from my bits box to achieve this effect including a Forge World Heavey Flamer and some plastic tubing cut at a slight angle and placed on top of the exhausts pipes.

 I started this banner pole with a small length of brass rod, again using pieces from my bits box I went about modelling the banner pole taking into account the Scythes Chapter Symbol.
It was quite fiddly to model with four pinning joints and as a result a tad fragile so it wont be a permanent feature on the model itself just for display purpose, I rather like it though.
 I really like making my own bases and this one was a real joy to model, I used some bits of thin cork for the Dreadnoughts feet to stand on and stuck various pieces from my bits box at angles to the base.
Then using green stuff  I moulded it around these pieces thinking when the sand is added it will look like its blown up against them and will add more of a natural look to the base.

I added fine sand and various sized rocks using PVA glue, then sprayed the base with grey primer.
Before spraying it helps to put tiny pieces of blu tac in the Dreadnoughts feet, this is so when I come to glueing the model together I'll have plastic to plastic contact and as a result it will be a stronger bond.